By Undisciplined Environments Collective
With COP27 underway, we share a selection of past essays published in the Undisciplined Environments blog
As CO2 emissions hit new records and most countries’ promises for climate action continue unfulfilled, the last week of the 27th Conference of the Parties (COP) of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCC) is underway in Egypt. Outside, protesters remind governments that this is the “last chance to act”, and chant “No climate justice without human rights” and “Climate reparations now”.
Here, we share a selection of essays we have published in our blog since we started in 2014, to help put the event and the discussions taking place in a broader context. The essays include critical discussions of previous COPs, neoliberal climate policies such as REDD+, the coloniality of the climate crisis, climate adaptation and energy transitions, fossil fascism, the “Anthropocene” debates, the importance of storytelling, and climate justice movements, among other themes.
Erik Swyngedouw (2014) Losing our Fear! Facing the Anthro-Obscene*
Joan Martínez Alier (2014) A powerful call from Naomi Klein for a global movement for climate justice
Fernando Tormos (2015) The Politics of Climate Justice at COP21
Ethemcan Turhan (2015) “At least it is one step forward”: A dispatch from COP21
Noel Castree (2015) New thinking for a new Earth
Emanuele Leonardi (2015) For a Critique of Carbon Trading Dogma
Aaron Vansintjan (2015) The Anthropocene debate: Why is such a useful concept starting to fall apart?
Stefania Barca (2016) Labor in the Age of Climate Change
Roberta Biasillo (2017) Grassroots initiatives in climate change-adaptation for justice and sustainability
Ethemcan Turhan and Cem İskender Aydın (2017) Patrick Bond: Climate justice movements need to hit Trump where it hurts most
Romain Felli (2017) Climate politics in the long run
Irina Velicu and Mikuláš Černík (2017) Limity jsme my! (We are the limits!) The first International Climate Camp in Czech Republic, Horní Jiřetín
Jens Friis Lund, Jevgeniy Bluwstein, Adam Ronan and Rebecca Leigh Rutt (2017) Ende Gelände: Exposing the climate hypocrisy of Western European democracies
Fabio Papetti (2017) Capitalist Floods in the Pacific Islands
Andrea Brock (2018) Of climate catastrophe and sacrifice zones – Battle for the Hambacher Forest
Daniele Valisena (2018) Curiosity, relationalities and monkeywrenching: The futures of the Anthropocene
Dylan Harris (2019) A case for small climate stories
Luigi Pellizzoni (2019) Climate crisis and new ecological mobilisations (Part I)
Luigi Pellizzoni (2019) Climate crisis and new ecological mobilisations (Part II)
Salvatore De Rosa (2019) Blocking the Flows. Notes from a climate action in Göteborg
Giacomo D’Alisa (2019) Emergenciocracy: why demanding the “climate emergency” is risky
Bernhard Forchtner (2020) What the Radical Right Thinks About Climate Change
Linda Estelí Méndez Barrientos (2020) Beyond protest, enacting solidarity in the climate justice movement
Plataforma Latinoamericana y del Caribe por la Justicia Climática (2021) Declaración de la Plataforma por la Justicia Climática frente a la Semana Regional del Clima
Daniela Schofield (2021) Imbuing Notions of Climate Change Adaptation with Everyday Realities
Adeniyi Asiyanbi and Jens Friis Lund (2021) Too big to fail? REDD+ and the promise of forest-based climate mitigation
Felix Krawczyk (2021) Forests are not just sites of climate mitigation
Achim Klüppelberg (2021) Nucleocrats Don’t Sleep
Gustavo A. García López (2021) Colonial Climates, Decolonial Futures: Reflections from Puerto Rico
Diego Andreucci and Christos Zografos (2021) On the Racist Humanism of Climate Action
The Zetkin Collective (2021) White Skin, Black Fuel: On the Danger of Fossil Fascism
Trym Daniel Rødvik, Philip Godal, Linnea Møller Jess and Skander Manaa (2022) Platforming to Oblivion: How academic institutions foster merchants of doubt
Guy Jackson (2022) Europe’s summer of reckoning with losses and damages
Sebastian Reyes Bejarano, Gustavo García López, and Diego Andreucci, in conversation with Tatiana Roa Avendaño, Teresa Borasino, Marina Weinberg and Daniel Chavez (2022) Energy transition from below: From climate colonialism to energy sovereignty
Ilenia Iengo, Paola Imperatore and Emanuele Leonardi (2022) Anti-capitalist, transfeminist, anti-extractivist convergences for climate and environmental justice in Italy
Salem Ghribi (2022) The hottest summer on record. Reflections and perspectives of the climate justice movement in Italy (part I)