By Julian Bloomer*
Looking for a compilation of important texts in political ecology? Julian Bloomer shares his comprehensive reading list, following a brief introduction to how it came about.

This comprehensive but by no means exhaustive reading list recently came about as I started to prepare an undergraduate module in political ecology for the coming academic year. I wished to see what the state of the field currently was, since I had last been immersed in the literature several years previously when I was carrying out my research and fieldwork on illicit drug production and rural livelihoods in Lesotho, southern Africa.
A call out to the members of the Political Ecology Society (PESO) listserv resulted in a deluge of suggestions (special thanks go to Simon Batterbury and Jill Belsky for sharing their very comprehensive reading lists). Readings both highlight the contemporary avenues of research as well as texts that were found practical in the classroom context for conveying the role of the political ecology framework to students.
My previous readings in political ecology had been primarily rooted in the literature that challenged received wisdoms in the Global South and in particular in the African context. These provided me a framework for understanding root causes of vulnerability, marginalisation and political and economic inequality, all of which was crucial in sketching a frame to understand what I was witnessing and attempting to explain during my fieldwork.
Since then, as the list clearly demonstrates, political ecology has continued to expand into a globally conscious framework that is at the forefront of many research pillars in critiquing power structures, analysing environmental governance, understanding resource access and continuing the effort to document, understand and change many other aspects of nature/society interactions.
The reading list, in alphabetical order (though without an entirely consistent referencing format):
Adams, P., 1991. Odious debts: loose lending, corruption, and the third world’s environmental legacy, London, Earthscan.
Adams, W.M. 2008. Green Development: environment and sustainability in a developing world, Routledge, London (3rd edition)
Adams, W.M. and Mulligan, M. 2003. (eds.) Decolonising Nature: strategies for conservation in a postcolonial era, Earthscan, London.
Adams, W.M., Watson, E.E. and Mutiso, S.K. 1997. Water, Rules and Gender: Water Rights in an Indigenous Irrigation System, Marakwet, Kenya, Development and Change, 28(4): 707-730.
Adams, W.M. 1996. Conservation and Development. In Adams WM, Goudie, AS and Orme AR (eds.), The Physical Geography of Africa, pp 367-382
Adams, WM. 2004. Against Extinction: the story of conservation. Earthscan.
Adger, N. 2000. Institutional adaptation to environmental risk under the transition Vietnam. Annals of the Association of American Geographers. 90, 738-758.
Adger, Neil, Tor A. Benjaminsen, Katrina Brown, et al. 2001. Advancing a Political Ecology of Global Environmental Discourses. Development and Change, 32 (4), 681-715.
Agarwal, A., S. Narain. & A. Sharma. 1999. The Polluter Says Principle – the GEF. in Agarwal, A et al ed. Green Politics: Global Environmental Negotiations 1. Centre for Science and Environment, India. Chapter summaries at
Agrawal A, Chhatre A, Hardin R. 2008. Changing Governance of the World’s Forests. Science 320, 1460.
Agrawal, A. 2005 .Environmentality Community, Intimate Government, and the Making of Environmental Subjects in Kumaon, India Current Anthropology 46, 2
Agrawal, A. 2005. Environmentality: technologies of government and the making of subjects. Duke University Press.
Agrawal, A. and Gibson, C.C. 1999. Enchantment and Disenchantment: The role of community in natural resource conservation. World Development, Vol. 27(4), pp. 629-649.
Agrawal, A. and Sivaramakrishnan, K. (eds.) 2000. Agrarian environments : resources, representations, and rule in India. Durham, NC : Duke University Press.
Agrawal, B. 1997. Environmental action, gender equity and women’s participation. Development and Change 28 (1):1-44.
Agyeman, J.2013. Introducing just sustainabilities: policy, planning and practice. London. Zed Books
Agyeman, J . 2005. Sustainable Communities and the Challenge of Environmental Justice . NYU Press.
Agyeman J, Robert D. Bullard and Bob Evans (eds.) 2003. Just sustainabilities: development in an unequal world. MIT Press.
Agyeman, J and McEntee, J. 2014. Moving the field of food justice forward through the lens of urban political ecology. Geography Compass, 8(3), 211–220.
Aiyer, A. 2007. The Allure Of The Transnational: Notes on Some Aspects of the Political Economy of Water in India. Cultural Anthropology 22(4), 640-658.
Akimichi T, Ichikawa M (eds).2008. Tonan-ajia-no-morini naniga okotte-irunoka [What is happening in the forests of Southeast Asia]. Jinbun Shoin, Tokyo.
Alam, Undala Z. 2002.Questioning the Water Wars Rationale: A Case Study of the Indus Waters Treaty. The Geographical Journal Vol. 168, No. 4, pp. 341-353
Ali, Saleem H (2008) Water Politics in South Asia: Technocratic cooperation and lasting security in the Indus Basin and Beyond Journal of International Affairs › Vol. 61 Nbr. 2,
Alexander, J. and McGregor, J. 2000. ‘Wildlife and politics: CAMPFIRE in Zimbabwe’ Development and Change 31, 3: pp. 605-607
Alimonda, H. 2015. Mining in Latin America: Coloniality and Degradation. In R. Bryant (ed), International Handbook of Political Ecology. London: E Elgar
Alimonda H (ed) .2011. La naturaleza colonizada: ecología política y minería en América Latina [Colonized nature: political ecology and mining in Latin America]. CLACSO, Buenos Aires.
Alimonda, H (ed) .2006. Los tormentos de la materia: aportes para una ecología política latinoamericana [The torments of matter: contributions towards a Latin American political ecology]. CLACSO, Buenos Aires.
Alonso, A, Costa, V and Maciel, D. 2005. The Formation of the Brazilian Environmental Movement Working Paper 259, IDS.
Arce, A and Long, N. (eds) 1999. Anthropology, Development and Modernities; Exploring Discourse, Counter-Tendencies and Violence. London: Routledge.
Ambinakudige S. 2011. National Parks, coffee and NTFPs: the livelihood capabilities of Adivasis in Kodagu, India. Journal of Political Ecology 18, 1-10. PDF
Anderson E.N. and B Anderson .2011.Development and the Yucatec Maya in Quintana Roo: some successes and failures. J of Political Ecology 18. Pp 51-65. PDF
Andrew McWilliam and Elizabeth G. Traube (eds). 2011. Land and Life in Timor-Leste: Ethnographic Essays. ANU EPress download
Angelo, H. and Wachsmuth, D. 2014.Urbanizing Urban Political Ecology: A Critique of Methodological Cityism. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research. doi: 10.1111/1468-2427.12105
Annear, C. 2009.Navigating constricted channels: local cooption, coercion, and concentration under co-management, Mweru-Luapula fishery, Zambia. Journal of Political Ecology 16: 34-48. PDF
Anseeuw, W. 2013. The Rush for Land in Africa: Resource grabbing or green revolution? South African Journal of International Affairs, No. 20:1, 159-177.
Arce, A and Long, N. (eds) 1999. Anthropology, Development and Modernities; Exploring Discourse, Counter-Tendencies and Violence. London: Routledge.
Austin, D. (forthcoming). Integrating Political Ecology and Community-Based Participatory Research on the U.S.-Mexico Border. In Engaged Political Ecologies Eds. Batterbury & Horowitz.
Bagla, P. 2010. Along the Indus River, Saber Rattling Over Water Security. Science 4 June 2010: Vol. 328 no. 5983 pp. 1226-1227
Barton JR, Staniford D 1998. Net deficits and the case for aquacultural geography. Area 30 (2): 145-155
Bakker K, Braun B, McCarthy J, 2005, “Hurricane Katrina and abandoned being” Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 23(6) 795 – 809
Bakker, K. 2003. ‘From archipelago to network: Urbanization and water privatization in the South’ The Geographical Journal 169(4), 328 – 341.
Bakker, K. 2007. The “Commons” Versus the “Commodity”: Alter-globalization, Anti-privatization and the Human Right to Water in the Global South. Antipode, 39, pp.430–455.
Bakker, K. 1999. The politics of hydropower: Developing the Mekong” Political Geography 18(2), 209 – 232.
Bakker, K. 2005. Neoliberalizing nature? Market environmentalism in water supply in England and Wales’ Annals of the Association of American Geographers. 95(3), 542 – 565.
Bakker, K. and Hemson D . 2000. Privatising water: Hydropolitics in the new South Africa. South African Journal of Geography 82 (1), 3 12.
Bakker, K. and Kooy, M. 2005. Splintered Networks? Water, Power, and Knowledge in Jakarta: 1870 – 1945 in M Gandy Hydropolis. Campus Verlag.
Baland, J and Platteau, J-P.1996. Halting Degradation of Natural Resources. Oxford: Clarendon Press and FAO [ Introduction; Chapter 13; General Conclusion] download from
Baquedano, M. 2002. La ecología política en América Latina [Political ecology in Latin America]. Ilé 2 (2), 17–40.
Barnes, J., 2014. Cultivating the Nile: the everyday politics of water in Egypt. Duke University Press.
Barney, K. 2014. ‘Ecological Knowledge and the Making of Plantation Concession Territories in Southern Laos. Conservation and Society 12(4): 352-363.
Barnett J and Adger N. 2007. Climate change, human security and violent conflict. Political Geography 26(6) 639-655
Barrow, E, Gichohi H, Infield M. 2000 Rhetoric or Reality? A review of Community conservation policy and practice in E Africa,. Evaluating Eden series 5. London: IIED. (SB)
Baruah, B.1999. The Narmada Valley Project: displacement of local populations and impact on women. Natural Resources Forum, Vol. 23, No. 1: 81-84.
Bassett T.1988. The Political Ecology of Peasant-Herder Conflicts in Northern Ivory Coast, Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 78 (3), 78 (3): pp. 453-472.
Bassett, T & Zueli, K.B. 2000. Environmental Discourses and the Ivorian Savanna. Annals of the Association of American Geographers 90(1) 67-95
Bassett, T. 1988. The political ecology of peasant-herder conflicts in northern Ivory Coast. Annals of the Association of American Geographers. 78 (3): pp. 453-472
Batterbury S. 2004. Panelist remarks. Cultural and political ecology at the AAG century: application and impact in the world. Available here.
Batterbury,S.P.J. and Fernando, JL 2004. A. Escobar. In Kitchen et al, Key Thinkers on Space and Place. Sage. Available here.
Batterbury, S.P.J. and Fernando, JL. 2010. Arturo Escobar. In Hubbard P et al Key Contemporary thinkers on space and place. London: Sage. Available here.
Batterbury,S.P.J. and Horowitz, LS. Forthcoming. Engaged Political Ecologies. Cambridge: Open Book Publishers.
Batterbury,S.P.J. Interview
Batterbury, S.P.J and J.L. Fernando. 2004. Arturo Escobar. In P. Hubbard, R. Kitchin and G. Valentine (eds.) Key contemporary theorists on space and place. London: Sage. Available here.
Batterbury, S.P.J. 2001. Landscapes of diversity: a local political ecology of livelihood diversification in south-western Niger. Ecumene 8 (4): 437-464. Available
Batterbury, S.P.J. 2004. The International Institute for Environment and Development: notes on a small office. Global Environmental Change. April. (not political ecology, but I though I would throw it in – Available here.)
Batterbury, S.P.J. 2008. Sustainable livelihoods: still being sought, ten years on. Presented at Sustainable Livelihoods Framework: ten years of researching the poor African Environments Programme workshop, Oxford University Centre for the Environment, 24th January 2008. 15pp.
Batterbury, S.P.J. 2016. Ecología política: relevancia, activismo y posibilidades de cambio. Ecología Política 50: 45-54 (Political ecology: relevance, activism, and possibilities for change- English version).
Batterbury,S.P.J. & Bebbington, AJ 1999. Environmental Histories, Access to Resources, and Landscape Change: an introduction. Land Degradation and Development 10 (4) 279-290 (online, intro available here.)
Batterbury,S.P.J. & T.Forsyth. 1999. Fighting Back: human adaptations in marginal environments Environment 41(6) 6-11, 25-30. (
Batterbury,S.P.J. & Warren, A. 2001. “Desertification”. in N Smelser & P Baltes (eds.) The International Encyclopaedia of Social and Behavioral Sciences. Elsevier Press
Batterbury,S.P.J. and Fernando, JL. 2006. Rescaling governance and the impacts of political and environmental decentralization: an introduction World Development 34 (11): 1851-1863
Batterbury,S.P.J . 1998. Local Environmental Management, Land Degradation and the ‘Gestion des Terroirs’ Approach in West Africa; policies & pitfalls. Journal of International Development 10:871-898 (
Batterbury,S.P.J 1998. Local Environmental Management, Land Degradation and the ‘Gestion des Terroirs’ Approach in West Africa; policies & pitfalls Journal of International Development 10:871‑898
Batterbury,S.P.J . 2011. Sustainable Livelihoods; arrival, departure, and persistence. Sustainable Livelihood Highlights. Brighton: IDS. P2. ISSN 1460-4205. Presented at workshop on Sustainable Livelihoods, IDS, Sussex Univ, 26 Jan 2011. Shortened – longer version Here
Bebbington A. et al 2008. Mining and Social Movements: Struggles Over Livelihood and Rural Territorial Development in the Andes World Development. 35 (12)
Bebbington A. 2013. Seminar, ANU
Bebbington A. Interview, 2011
Bebbington A.J. and Batterbury,S.P.J. 2001. Transnational livelihoods and landscapes. Ecumene 8(4) 369-492
Bebbington, A, Dharmawan, L., Farmi, E. andGuggenheim, S. 2006. Local capacity, village governance and the political economy of rural development in Indonesia. World Development (11):1958-1976.
Bebbington, A. 1999 Capitals and Capabilities: A framework for analyzing peasant viability, rural livelihoods and poverty. World Development, 27, 12, pp. 2021-2044.
Bebbington, A., Hinojosa, L., Bebbington, D. H., Burneo, M. L. and Warnaars, X. 2008. Contention and Ambiguity: Mining and the Possibilities of Development. Development and Change, 39: 887–914
Bebbington, A.J. 2000. Re-encountering Development: Livelihood Transitions and Place Transformations in the Andes. Annals of the Association of American Geographers. 90 (3) 495-520.
Bebbington, AJ numerous papers from work in Ecuador and Bolivia, 2007-
Bebbington, AJ 2009. Contesting environmental transformation: political ecologies and environmentalisms in Latin America and the Caribbean” Latin American Research Review 44(3): 177-186.
Bedoya E, Martinez S (1999) La ecología política y la critica al desarrollo [Political ecology and the critique of development]. Debate Agrario 29–30, 223–46.
Beebe, C. Paper on exurban California, Journal of Political Ecology 2012.
Beitl, C.M. 2012. Shifting policies, access and the tragedy of enclosures in Ecuadorian mangrove fisheries: towards a political ecology of the commons. Journal of Political Ecology 19: 94-113.
Belsky, J.M. and S.F. Siebert. 2015. A Socio-Ecological Analysis of an Historic Forest Land Use and Livelihood in Bhutan: Lessons for Forest Conservation and Development. DRAFT Report, Global Programme on Global Economics and Social Science, IUCN, Gland Switzerland.
Belsky, J.M. 2015. Comparative Perspectives from Bhutan and Montana: Market Forces in Community Forestry. Forest Policy and Economics 58:29-36.
Belsky, Jill M. 1999. Misrepresenting communities: the politics of community-based rural ecotourism in Gales Point Manatee, Belize. Rural Sociology 64:641-666.
Ben Orlove and Steven C. Caton.2010. Water Sustainability: Anthropological Approaches and Prospects. Annual Review of Anthropology Vol. 39: 401-415
Bene C.2005. The good the bad and the ugly: discourse, policy controversies and the controversies of shrimp farming. Development Policy Review 23 585-614
Benjaminsen TA & I. Bryceson, 2012, Conservation, green/blue grabbing and accumulation by dispossession in Tanzania. Journal of Peasant Studies 39 2 :335-355
Benjaminsen, T.A., Aune, J.B. and Sidibé, D., 2010. A critical political ecology of cotton and soil fertility in Mali. Geoforum, 41(4), pp.647-656.
Berhman J., R. Meinzen-Dick and A. Quisumbing, 2012. The gender implications of large-scale land deals, Journal of Peasant Studies, 39 (1): 49-79
Bernstein, H & Woodhouse, P. 2002. Telling Environmental Change Like it is. Reflections on a study in Sub-Saharan Africa. Journal of Agrarian Change 1,2,283-324. (the only substantial critique of Leach/Scoones/Mearns et al)
Berry, S. 1993.No Condition Is Permanent: The Social Dynamics of Agrarian Change in Sub-Saharan Africa. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press [chapter 3]
Beymer-Farris, B. and Bassett, T. 2013. Environmental narratives and politics in Tanzania’s Rufiji Delta: A reply to Burgess, et. al. Global Environmental Change
Biersack, A . and Greenberg, J.B. (eds). 2006. ReImagining Political Ecology, Duke University Press
Birkenholtz, T. 2008. Contesting expertise: The politics of environmental knowledge in northern Indian groundwater practices. Geoforum 39: 466-482.
Birkenholtz, T. 2011. Network Political Ecology: Method and Theory in Climate Change Vulnerability and Adaptation Research. Progress in Human Geography 36: 295–315
Bixler , R., J. Dell’Angelo, O. Mfune and H. Roba.2015. The political ecology of participatory conservation: institutions and discourse. Political Ecology Journal 22: 164-182.
Blaikie P 2012. Should some political ecology be useful? Geoforum 43 231–239
Blaikie, P. 2008. Epilogue: Towards a future for political ecology that works. Geoforum. Volume 39, Issue 2, 765–772
Blaikie, P. 2006. Is small really beautiful? Community-based natural resource management in Malawi and Botswana. World Development 34(11)1942-1957.
Blaikie, P., 2001. Social Nature, and Environmental Policy in the South: Views from Verandah and Veld, in Castree, N., Braun, B. (eds), Social Nature: Theory, Practice and Politics, pp. 133-150. Oxford: Blackwell
Blaikie, P. 1999 A Review of Political Ecology: Issues, Epistemology and analytical narratives. Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsgeographie 43 (3-4): 131-147.
Blaikie, P. 1995a. Changing Environments or Changing Views? A Political Ecology for Developing Countries. Geography pp 203-214
Blaikie, P. M. 1995b. Understanding Environmental Issues, 1-30 in, Morse, S and Stocking, M (eds) People and Environment. London: UCL Press [for a recent outline of Blaikie’s view]
Blaikie, P M. 1985. The Political Economy of Soil Erosion. London: Longman [widely considered to be a classic statement of the political ecology perspective]
Blaikie, P M. 1989. ‘Explanation and policy in land degradation and rehabilitation’, Land Degradation and Rehabilitation, 1, 1 pp 23-28
Blaikie, P M and Brookfield, H 1987. Land degradation and society. London.
Blaikie, P., J. Cameron and D. Seddon. 2002. Understanding 20 years of change in West-Central Nepal: Continuity and change in lives and ideas. World Development 30(7) 1255-1270.
Bloomer, J. 2009. Using a political ecology framework to examine extra-legal livelihood strategies: a Lesotho-based case study of cultivation of and trade in cannabis. Journal of Political Ecology 16. Pp 49-69. PDF
Boechler, S. & Hansom, A.M. (eds.) 2015. A Political Ecology of Women, Water and Global Environmental Change, London and New York: Routledge
Bohle, H and H Funfgeld. 2007. The political ecology of violence in eastern Sri Lanka. Development and change 38(6) 665-687
Bohle, H and H Funfgeld. 2007. The political ecology of violence in eastern Sri Lanka. Development and Change 38(6) 665-687
Bolten C. 2009 The agricultural impasse: creating “normal” post-war development in Northern Sierra Leone. Journal of Political Ecology 16 Pp 70-86. PDF
Borras, J. P. M and Michael, I. Scoones. 2010. The politics of biofuels, land and agrarian change: editors’ introduction Journal of Peasant Studies
Borras Jr, S. M., and Franco, J. C. 2013. Global land grabbing and political reactions ‘from below’. Third World Quarterly, 34(9), 1723-1747.
Borras Jr, S. M., Hall, R., Scoones, I., White, B., & Wolford, W. (2011). Towards a better understanding of global land grabbing: an editorial introduction. The Journal of Peasant Studies, 38(2), 209-216.
Borrini-Feyerabend, G., Farvar, M.T., Nguinguiri, J.C. and Ndangang, V.A. 2001 Co-management of natural resources: Organising, negotiating and learning-by-doing. GTZ and IUCN. Heidelberg: Kasparek Verlag (This volume is designed to assist conservation and development professionals involved in multi-stakeholder management of natural resources)
Büscher, B. 2014. Nature on the Move: The Value and Circulation of Liquid Nature and the Emergence of Fictitious Conservation New Proposals PDF 20-36
Braun B. 2005. Environmental issues: writing a more-than-human urban geography. Progress in Human Geography 29(5): 635-650 [PDF]
Braun B. and Castree, N. (eds.), 1999. Remaking reality. London: Routledge. (some useful chapters on the social constructionist perspective – explained in Demeritt’s chapter)
Braun, B. 2002. The intemperate rainforest: nature, culture and power on Canada’s west coast. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. (various reviews available on-line)
Bridge G. 2004. Contested terrain: mining and the environment. Annual Review of Environment and Resources 29 205-59
Bridge, G. 2007. The Economy of Nature: from Political Ecology to the Social Construction of Nature. In Compendium of Economic Geography (Eds. Lee, Leyshon, McDowell and Sunley). Sage
Bridge, G. 2000. Local Dirt, Global Dreams: mining investment and land use change in Arizona. Local Environment 8(1) 61-83
Bridge, G. 2000. The Social Regulation of Resource Access and Environmental Impact: cases from the U.S. Copper Industry. Geoforum 31(2): 237-256
Bridge, G. 2007. Acts of enclosure: claim staking and land conversion in Guyana’s gold fields. In Neoliberal Environments: false promises and unnatural consequences. Eds Heynen, McCarthy, Prudham and Robbins. Routledge.
Bridge, G. and P. McManus. 2000. Sticks and Stones: Environmental Narratives and Discursive Regulation in the Forestry and Mining Industries. Antipode 32(1):10-47
Brock, K 1999 Implementing a Sustainable Livelihoods Framework for Policy Directed Research: Reflections From Practice in Mali. IDS Working Papers – 90
Brockington D, Igoe J. Eviction for Conservation: A Global Overview. Conservat Soc [serial online] 2006 [cited 2016 Apr 25];4:424-70. Available from:
Brockington D. 2008. ‘Powerful Environmentalisms. Conservation, Celebrity and Capitalism.’ Media, Culture and Society 30 (4): 551-568. PDF
Brockington D. 2008. Celebrity Conservation. Interpreting the Irwins. Media International Australia. 127: 96-108. PDF (3.3 MB)
Brockington, D. , 2009 Celebrity and the Environment. Fame, Wealth and Power in Conservation. Zed
Brockington, D. 2002. Fortress Conservation. The preservation of the Mkomazi Game Reserve. James Currey, African Issues series. Oxford
Brockington, D., Duffy, R. and Igoe, J. 2008 Nature Unbound. Conservation, Capitalism and the Future of Protected Areas. Earthscan, London.
Brockington, D., J Igoe, K Schmidt-Soltau. 2006. Conservation, Human Rights and Poverty Reduction. Conservation Biology 20(1): 250-2
Brogden M, Greenberg J. 2003. The fight for the west: A political ecology of land use conflicts in Arizona. Human Organization, Fall 2003
Brown K Lapayade S. 2001. A livelihood from the forest. (Cameroon) J Int Dev 13: 1131-1149
Bryan, J. 2015. Participatory Mapping. In: Perreault, T., Bridge, G., and McCarthy, J. 2015. The Routledge Handbook of Political Ecology. Oxon and N.Y., Routledge. Chap 19, 249-262
Bryant RL. 2005. Nongovernmental Organizations in Environmental Struggles. Yale University Press, New Haven.
Bryant RL.1998.Power Knowledge and Political Ecology: a review, Progress in Physical Geography 22 pp 79-94
Bryant, R L. 1997 The political ecology of forestry in Burma, 1824-1994. London : Hurst & Company.
Bryant, R & Bailey, S. 1997. Multilateral Institutions. Pp 76-102 In Bryant, R & Bailey, S. Third World Political Ecology. London: Routledge
Bryant, R L and Bailey, S 1997. Third World Political Ecology. London and New York: Routledge
Bryant, R. (ed.) 2016. International Handbook of Political Ecology. Edward Elgar
Bryant, R.L. 1998. ‘Power, knowledge and political ecology in the third world: A review Progress in Physical Geography 22, 1: 79-94
Bryant, R.L. 1997.Beyond the impasse: the power of political ecology in Third World environmental research. Area. 29, 1-15.
Bryant, R.L. and Bailey, S. 1997. Third World Political Ecology: An Introduction London, Routledge
Bryant, RL. 1992. Political Ecology: An emerging research agenda in Third-World studies. Political Geography 11, no. 1: 12-36.
Bryceson, D, C Kay & J Mooij. 2000. (eds.) Disappearing Peasantries? Rural labour in Africa, Asia and Latin America. London: IT Press. (see various chapters)
Bryceson, D.F. & Jamal, V. 1997. Farewell to farms: de-agrarianisation and employment in Africa. Aldershot: Ashgate Press.
Bryceson, D.F.. & Bank, L. 2001. End of an Era: Africa’s development policy parallax. Journal of Contemporary African Studies 19(1) 5-23 (library)
Bryceson, D.H. 1999. African rural labour, income diversification and livelihood approaches: a long term development perspective, Review of African Political Economy 80: 171-189.
Buckles, D. ed. 1999. Cultivating peace. Conflict and collaboration in natural resource management. Canada; IDRC. (useful local case studies)
Bullard, R. undated. Environmental justice in the 21st century.
Bumpus, A. G. & Liverman, D. M. 2011. Carbon colonialism? Offsets, greenhouse gas reductions and, sustainable development. In: Global Political Ecology (eds. R. Peet et al): 203-224. London: Routledge.
Burke, B. and Shear, B (eds). 2014. Special Section on “Non-capitalist political ecologies. Journal of Political Ecology Nos. 6-11.
Bury J. 2008. Transnational corporations and livelihood transformations in the Peruvian Andes: an actor-oriented political ecology. Human Organisation 67, 307–21.
Buscher B and Dietz T . 2005. The State and the Conservation-development Nexus in Southern Africa TES 4(2)
Büscher, B. 2009. ‘Letters of Gold: Enabling Primitive Accumulation through Neoliberal Conservation’, Human Geography 2(3): 91–93. [order it from library] [interview]
Büscher, B. and Dressler, W. 2012.Commodity Conservation. The Restructuring of Community Conservation in South Africa and the Philippines. Geoforum. Vol 43(3): 367-376
Buscher, B., Brockington, D., Igoe, J., Neves, K. and Sullivan, S. 2012. Towards a consolidated critique of Neoliberal Biodiversity Conservation. Capitalism, Nature, Socialism 23 (2): 4-30. PDF
Buscher, B., Dressler, W., and Fletcher, R 2014. Nature™ Inc: New Frontiers of Environmental Conservation in the Neoliberal Age. Tuscon: University of Arizona Press.
Byrne J, L Glover and H F. Alroe. 2006.Globalization and sustainable development: a political ecology strategy to realize ecological justice. . In Niels Halberg et al (eds.), Global Development of Organic Agriculture: Challenges and Prospects. Oxfordshire : CABI Publishing. Pp. 49-74.
Cárdenas,R. 2012. Green multiculturalism: articulations of ethnic and environmental politics in a Colombian ‘black community’ Journal of Peasant Studies 39 2 309-333
Campbell, B.C. and J. R. Veteto. 2015. Free seeds and food sovereignty: anthropology and grassroots agrobiodiversity conservation strategies in the US South.Journal of Political Ecology 22: 445-465.
Carney, D. 1998.(ed) Sustainable Rural Livelihoods – what contribution can we make? London : DFID. (sb)
Carney LA, Robert A. Voeks.2003. Landscape legacies of the African diaspora in Brazil. Progress in Human Geography, 27, Number 2, pp. 139-152.
Carr, E.R. 2015. Political Ecology and Livelihoods. In: Perreault, T., Bridge, G., and McCarthy, J. 2015. The Routledge Handbook of Political Ecology. Oxon and N.Y., Routledge. Chap 25, 332-342.
Carrier, J. and P. West (eds).2009. Virtualism, Governance and Practice: Vision and Execution in Environmental Conservation. New York : Berghahn Books.
Castán Broto, V. 2013. Employment, environmental pollution and working class life in Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina. JPE 20:Pp 1-13. PDF
Castells, M. 1997. The Power of Identity. Oxford: Blackwell (the classic author on new social movements. see Ch. 3 )
Castree, N. 2005. Nature. Routledge Press.
Castree, N. 2014. Making Sense of Nature. New York: Routledge
Castree. Noel 2003 Environmental issues: relational ontologies and hybrid politics. Progress in Human Geography, 27, Number 2 , pp. 203-211
Chambers R 2004 Ideas for Development: Reflecting Forwards IDS Working Paper 238
Chambers R. 2004. Ideas for development. Practical Action books.
Chambers, R. 1997. Whose Reality Counts? Putting the first last. London: Intermediate Technology Publications.
Chartier D, Deléage J-P (eds.) 2010. Les écologies politiques aujourd’hui (1): France. [Political ecology today (1): France]. Special issue of Écologie & Politique 40, 15–113.
Chatterjee, P. and M. Finger (eds.), 1994 The Earth Brokers: Power, Politics and World Development. London: Routledge.
Choi B. 2001. Shim-tseung-sengtehak gwa sengmul-pyeongdeung-mit ja-ah-sil-hyeon-uroseo yi hwangeyong-jeong-yi [Environmental justice as deep ecology, ecological equity, and self realization]. Gonggan gwa Hwangyeong 16, 36–68.
Cleaver, F. 2000.Moral ecological rationality, institutions and the management of common property resources. Development and Change, Vol. 31, 361-383 (Takes critical view of institutional-economistic approaches to CPR management. With case study on water management in Zimbabwe)
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DFID’s website and clearinghouse- Livelihoods Connect
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Escobar in Spanish –
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Seki K (2009) Green neoliberalism, ecogovernmentality, and emergent community: a case of coastal resource management in Palawan, the Philippines. Philippine Studies 57, 543–78.
Seki Y (2001) The political ecology of the Philippine reforestation program: ODA, government and local people. Philippine Political Science Journal 22 (45), 79–96.
‘Seminar’ journal (India) special issue #595 2009 AGRARIAN TRANSITIONS a symposium on the growing distress in agriculture
Seminar (India) special issue 2011. SHADES OF BLUE a symposium on emerging conflicts and challenges around water.
SEMINAR journal, India, special issue 2007. NATURE, WILDLIFE, PEOPLE – wildlife protection and people’s livelihoods.
Sharpe, N. 1998 Handing on the right to fish: the law of the land and cross-cultural co-operation in a gulf community in Australia. Pacific Conservation Biology 4: 95-104
Sheridan, M & Durham WH 1995 The Social Causes of Environmental Destruction in Latin America U. Michigan press
Sheridan, T. E 2001 Cows, Condos, and the Contested Commons: The Political Ecology of Ranching on the Arizona-Sonora Borderlands. Human Organization 60(2) (Despite the rapid urbanization of the Arizona-Sonora borderlands, cattle ranching continues to play a major, if increasingly contested, political, economic, and ecological role in the region).
Sheridan, Thomas E 1995 Arizona: The Political Ecology of a Desert State. Journal of Political Ecology 2 (interesting ruminations)
Sheridan, Thomas E 2007. Embattled Ranchers, Endangered Species, and Urban Sprawl: The Political Ecology of the New American West. Annual Review of Anthropology, Vol. 36: 121-138
Sheridan, Thomas E. 1988 Where the dove calls : the political ecology of a peasant corporate community in northwestern Mexico. Tucson : University of Arizona Press
Shimada S (1998) Kankyō-chirigaku no atarashī chihē: poritikaru-ecorojī no kanōsē wo megutte [New frontiers of environmental geography: on the possibilities of political ecology]. Chirikagaku 53, 68–69.
Silver, J. (2014). Incremental infrastructures: material improvisation and social collaboration across post-colonial Accra. Urban Geography, 35(6), 788‑804.
Smith, J. and Jehlička, P., 2013. Quiet sustainability: Fertile lessons from Europe’s productive gardeners. Journal of Rural Studies, 32, pp.148-157.
Snijders, Dhoya 2012 Wild property and its boundaries – on wildlife policy and rural consequences in South Africa J Peasant Studies 39 2 503-520
Social Movements and poverty in Latin America (Bebbington and Mitlin)
Sodikoff G. 2007. An Exceptional Strike: A Micro-history of ‘People versus Park’ in Madagascar,. Journal of Political Ecology 14: 10-33.
Special issue of Geoforum, 2008, dedicated to the work of Piers Blaikie
Sponsel, L ,D Casagrande. 2007. “Ecological anthropology.” In: Encyclopedia of Earth. Eds. Cutler J. Cleveland (Washington, D.C.: Environmental Information Coalition, National Council for Science and the Environment).
Steward A 2007. Nobody farms here anymore: livelihood diversification in the Amazonian community of Carvaõ, a historical perspective. Agriculture and Human Values 24:75–92
Stocking M, Perkin S, Brown K. 1995. Coexisting with Nature in a Developing World. In People and the Environment ed Stocking M & Morse S . UCL Press. 155-185
Stocking, M and Perkin, S 1992 Conservation-with-development: an application of the concept in the Usambara Mountains. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 17 pp 337-49
Stone, G. 2004. Biotechnology and the political ecology of information in India. Human Organization.
Stone, P. 2003. Is sustainability for development anthropologists? Special journal issue. Human Organization. 62(2) 93-
Stott, P 1999 Tropical rain forest : a political ecology of hegemonic mythmaking London: IEA, 1999 [deliberately provocative writing by an errant scientist – compare with Fairhead & Leach ] download whole book here
Stott, P. and Sullivan, S. (eds) 2000. Political Ecology: Science, Myth and Power. Edward Arnold, London (British collection – slightly different approach to mainstream geogs. & anthros).
Stroshane, T. 2003. Water and technological politics in California. Capitalism Nature Socialism 54:34-76 Swainson, L. & McGregor, A. 2008 Compensating for development: Orang Asli experiences of Malaysia’s Sungai Selangor Dam. Asia-Pacific Viewpoint 49 (2), 155-167.
Sullivan, S. 2014 Nature on the Move III: (Re)countenancing an Animate Nature New Proposals
Sullivan, S. 2011 ‘Banking Nature? The Financialisation of Environmental Conservation’. Open Anthropology Cooperative Press, Working Papers Series #8.
Sullivan, Sian (2011) ‘Banking Nature? The Spectacular Financialisation of Environmental Conservation’, Antipode.
Sullivan, S., J. Igoe, B. Buscher 2014 Introducing Nature on the Move — a Triptych
Sultana, Farhana (2011) Suffering for water, suffering from water: emotional geographies of resource access, control and conflict. Geoforum 2 Pages 163-172
Sundberg J 1998. Strategies for Authenticity, Space, and Place in the Maya Biosphere Reserve, Petén, Guatemala. Conference of Latin Americanist Geographers Yearbook 1998 Vol 24:85-96.
Sundberg J 2003 Conservation and democratization: constituting citizenship in the Maya Biosphere Reserve, Guatemala, Political Geography 22 (7) 715-740
Sustainable Livelihoods in Southern Africa 2003 – many papers on line here
Swyngedouw E.; Heynen N.C. 2003 Urban Political Ecology, Justice and the Politics of Scale. Antipode 35, 5,898-918
Swyngedouw, E., M. Kaika, E. Castro 2002. Urban water: a political-ecology perspective. Built Environment 28, (2) pp. 124-137
Swyngedouw, E. 1999. Modernity and hybridity: nature, regeneracionismo, and the production of the Spanish waterscape, 1890-1930 Annals of the Association of American Geographers 89(3)
Swyngedouw, E., 2004. Scaled geographies: Nature, place, and the politics of scale. Scale and geographic inquiry: Nature, society, and method, pp.129-153.
Temper, L., del Bene, D and Martinez-Alier, J. 2015. Mapping the frontiers and front lines of global environmental justice: the EJAtlas. Journal of Political Ecology 22: 255-278
Theriault, N. 2011. The Micropolitics of Indigenous Environmental Movements in the Philippines. Development and Change, 42: 1417–1440.
Thorburn, C. 1996. Understanding Forest Resourse-use Change in Indonesia: A Political Ecology Approach. Unpublished PhD, University of California, Los Angeles
Thorburn, C.C. 2000. Changing Customary Marine Resource Management Practice and Institutions: The case of Sasi Lola in the Kei Islands, Indonesia. World Development, Vol. 28, No. 8, pp. 1461-1479
Thorburn, C.C. 2000 Changing Customary Marine Resource Management Practice and Institutions: The case of Sasi Lola in the Kei Islands, Indonesia. World Development, 28 (8), 1461-1479
Tienhaara Kyla. 2012 The potential perils of forest carbon contracts for developing countries: cases from Africa J Peasant Studies 39 2 551-572
Tiffen, M., Mortimore, M. and Gichuki, F. 1994. More People, Less Erosion: Environmental Recovery in Kenya. London: John Wiley (A classic. Reversed common neo-Malthusian thinking)
To, P., Mahanty, S., and Dressler, W., (forthcoming, 2014). The Social Networks of Corruption in the Vietnamese and Laos Cross-border Timber Trade. Anthropological Forum. xx-xx
Toulmin, C. and Quan, J. (eds) 2000 Evolving land rights, policy and tenure in Africa. DFID/IIED/NRI, London Upton, C., Ladle, R., Hulme, D., Jiang, T., Brockington, D. and Adams, W.M. 2008 ‘Protected Areas, Poverty & Biodiversity: A National Scale Analysis.’ Oryx 42 (1): 19-25.
Turner, BL.II. 2002. Contested Identities: human environment geography and disciplinary implications in a restructuring academy. Annals of the AAG. 92(1) 52-74
Turner, M.D., 2013. Political ecology. An alliance with resilience?. Progress in Human Geography, 0309132513502770.
Vaccaro, I., O. Beltran and P.A. Paquet. 2013. Political ecology and conservation policies: some theoretical genealogies. JPE 20:Pp 255-272. PDF
Valdivia 2015 Eco-Governmentality. In: Perreault, T., Bridge, G., and McCarthy, J. 2015. The Routledge Handbook of Political Ecology. Oxon and N.Y., Routledge. Chap 36, 467-480
Vandergeest P and Peluso, N 2006 Empires of Forestry: Professional Forestry and State Power in Southeast Asia, Part 1. Environment and History 12 : 31-64
Vandergeest, P. 1997. Rethinking property. Common Property Resource Digest. 41, p.4-6.
Vandermeer J and I Perfecto 2005 Breakfast of Biodiversity: The Political Ecology of Rainforest Destruction. Food First Books.
Vayda, A and B Walters. 1999. Against Political Ecology. Human Ecology, 27:1. (famous but much too hasty critique on ‘political ecologists’ – ignores most branches of political ecology, however.)
Verdeil, E. (2015). Écologie politique des énergies urbaines: villes sud-méditerranéennes en tension (Habilitation à diriger des recherches). Université Lumière Lyon 2. (this article is in French, but Eric Verdeil has written other texts about his work on energy in Lebanon and Syria)
Verghese, BG (1997) Water Conflicts in South Asia. Studies in conflict and terrorism 20:185-194.
Vihemäki H 2005 Politics of Participatory Forest Conservation: Cases from the East Usambara Mountains, Tanzania. TES 4(2)
Wade, R. 1997. Greening the Bank: the struggle over the Environment 1970-1995. In Kapur, D, Lewis J, Webb R (eds.) The World Bank; its first half century, vol 2. Brookings Institution press. pp611-734
Wade, R. H., 2001a, Making the World Development Report 2000: Attacking Poverty. World Development, 29 (8), 1435-1441.
Wade, R., 2001b, Showdown at The World Bank. New Left Review, 7 : 124-137.
Walker PA. 2006. Political ecology: where is the policy? Progress in human geography. 30: 382-395. [a complaint – poor policy relevance of the field]
Walker, P.A. and P.T. Hurley. 2004. Collaboration Derailed: The Politics of Community-based Resource Management in Nevada County. Society and Natural Resources 17:735-751.
Walker, P.A., 2005. Political ecology: where is the ecology. Progress in Human Geography, 29(1), pp.73-82.
Walker, Peter A. 2003. Reconsidering regional political ecologies: toward a political ecology of the rural American West. Progress in Human Geography 27 (1).
Walker, Peter A., and Louise P. Fortmann. 2003. Whose landscape? A political ecology of the ‘exurban’ Sierra. Cultural Geographies 10 (3).
Wall, D. 1999 Earth First! Radical Environmentalism and comparative social movements. Routledge.
Wapner, P.1995.Politics beyond the state: environmental activism and world civic politics, World Politics 311-340
Wapner, Pl. 2003. World Summit on Sustainable Development: Toward a Post-Jo’burg Environmentalism. Global Environmental Politics, 3 (1) 1-10
Warren A, Batterbury SPJ, Osbahr H. 2001. Sustainability and Sahelian Soils: evidence from Niger. The Geographical Journal 167 4 324-341
Watts, M. 2000. Political Ecology, in T.Barnes and E.Sheppard (eds ) A Companion to Economic Geography, Oxford, Blackwell.
Watts, M. 2000) ‘Political ecology’ definition in Johnston, R.J., Gregory, D., Pratt, G. and Watts, M. (Eds.) The dictionary of Human Geography (4th Edition) Oxford, Blackwell Publishers Ltd pp. 590-593
Watts, M 2001 Petro-violence. In Peluso N and Watts MJ. (eds) Violent Environments. Cornell University Press. 189-213
Watts, M, et al 2001 Classics in Human Geography revisited – Silent Violence. Progress in Human Geography (2001)
Watts, M 1999. Petro-Violence: Some Thoughts on Community, Extraction, and Political Ecology. IIS paper, Berkeley
Watts MJ 2002 Alternative modern – development as cultural geography. In Anderson K et al (eds.) Handbook of Cultural Geography, ed. Sage. (Watts has a vast repertoire of such articles)
Watts MJ. 2002. Green Capitalism, Green Governmentality. American Behavioral Scientist, 45(9), pp.1313-1317.
Watts MJ. 2005. Righteous Oil? Human Rights, the Oil Complex and Corporate Social Responsibility . Ann Rev of Environment and Resources 30.
Watts, M and McCarthy, J 1997 Nature as artifice, nature as artifact: development, environment and modernity in the late twentieth century, in, Lee, R and Wills, J (eds) Geographies of Economies. London: Arnold (addresses North American issues)
Watts, M, Middleton N & Blaikie, P 1997 Classics in Human Geography revisited – the “Political Economy of Soil erosion” Progress in Human Geography 21:1 pp 75-80 (original book in library)
Watts, M. 2000. Contested Communities, Malignant Markets, and Gilded Governance: Justice, resource extraction, and conservation in the tropics. In Zerner, C. 2000. People Plants and Justice. The Politics of Nature Conservation, pp. 1-51. New York: Colombia University Press. (review – in Land Deg and Devt?)
Watts, M.J. 2015. Now and then: the origins of political ecology and the rebirth of adaptation as a form of thought. In: Perreault, T., Bridge, G., and McCarthy, J. 2015. The Routledge Handbook of Political Ecology. Oxon and N.Y., Routledge. Chap 2, 19-50.
Watts, MJ. 2000. Contested Communities, Malignant Markets, and Gilded Governance: Justice, resource extraction, and conservation in the tropics. In Zerner, C. People Plants and Justice. The Politics of Nature Conservation, pp. 1-51. New York: Colombia University Press. (reviewed – in Land Deg and Devt?)
Watts, MJ. 2006. The sinister political life of community. In G. Creed (ed)., The Romance of Community. School of American Research, Santa Fe, pp. 101-142.
West P and M Macintyre (eds).2006 Melanesian Mining Modernities. The Contemporary Pacific. 18
West P, J Igoe, D Brockington 2006. Parks and Peoples: The Social Impact of Protected Areas. Annual Review of Anthropology. 35: 251-27
West, P. 2006. Conservation is our Government Now: The Politics of Ecology in Papua New Guinea. Durham: Duke University Press.
Weszkalnys, G. (2008) “Hope and Oil: Expectations in São Tomé e Príncipe,” Review of African Political Economy, 35(3): 473-482.
Weszkalnys, G. 2009. “The Curse of Oil in the Gulf of Guinea: A View from São Tomé and Príncipe,” African Affairs 108(433): 679-689.
Wil de Jong, Tuck-Po Lye, Ken-ichi Abe. 2006. The social ecology of tropical forests: migration, populations and frontiers. Kyoto University Press.
Wilder M and Romero Lankao, P. 2006. Paradoxes of Decentralization: Water Reform and Social Implications in Mexico World Development 34(11) 1977-1995.
Williams, G. and Mawdsley, E. (2006) ‘India’s Evolving Political Ecologies’, in S.E. Corbridge, S. Kumar and S. Raju (eds) Colonial and Postcolonial Geographies of India. New Delhi: Sage.
Wisner, B. 2015. Speaking truth to power: a personal account of activist political ecology. In: Perreault, T., Bridge, G., and McCarthy, J. 2015. The Routledge Handbook of Political Ecology. Oxon and N.Y., Routledge. Chap 3, 53-63.
Wolford, W., Saturinino M., Ruth Hall., Scoones, I., White, B (2013) Governing global land deals: The role of the state in the rush for land. Development and Change 44, no. 2: 189-210.
Wolmer W 2002. Transboundary Conservation: The Politics of Ecological Integrity in the Great Limpopo Transfrontier Park, (Full-text PDF) Sustainable Livelihoods in Southern Africa paper, IDS
Woodgate, G 1994 Local environmental knowledge, agricultural development and livelihood sustainability in Mexico, in, Redclift, M and Sage, C, eds., Strategies for Sustainable Development: local agendas for the southern hemisphere. Chichester: John Wiley
Woodhouse, P 2003 African Enclosures: A Default Mode of Development . World Development 31, 10, 1705-1720
Woodhouse, P et al. Sustainability Indicators for Natural Resource Management & Policy . working papers.
Woodhouse, P, Hulme, D & Bernstein, H. (eds) 2001. African Enclosures? The social dynamics of land and water use. Oxford: James Currey. (chapter 1 is important)
Worby, E. (1995) ‘What does agrarian wage labour signify?: Cotton, commoditization and social form in Gokwe, Zimbabwe’ Journal of Peasant Studies 23, 1: 1-29
Worster, D. 1993. The Shaky Ground of Sustainability. In Sachs, W. Global Ecology. London: Zed.
Wyborn, C; Yung, L; Murphy, D and Williams, D.R. Situating adaptation: how governance challenges and perceptions of uncertainty influence adaptation in the Rocky Mountains. Reg Environ Change
Wynne, B. 1989. Sheepfarming after Chernobyl: A Case Study in Communicating Scientific Information. Environment 31: 11-39.
Ybarra Megan 2012. Taming the jungle, saving the Maya Forest: sedimented counterinsurgency practices in contemporary Guatemalan conservation J Peasant Studies. 39 2 479-502
Yearley, S. 1994 . Social Movements and Environmental Change. Eds Redclift M, Benton,T. Social Theory and the Global Environment. Routledge.
Yeh, E.T., Nyima, Y., Hopping, K.A. and J.A. Klein. 2014. Tibetan Pastoralists’ Vulnerability to Climate Change: A Political Ecology Analysis of Snowstorm Coping Capacity. Human Ecology 42:61-74.
Yung, Laurie and Jill M. Belsky. Private Property Rights and Community Goods: Negotiating Landowner Cooperation Amidst Changing Ownership on the Rocky Mountain Front. Society & Natural Resources 20: 689-703.
Zaidi RZ. 2012. Entering the field: examining the relevance of political ecology to the agrarian struggle of Anjuman Muzareen Punjab in Pakistan. Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography 33 (1), 63–76.
Zerner, C. (ed.).2000.People, Plants, and Justice: The politics of nature conservation. New York: Columbia University Press (very good collection)
Zimmer, A. 2010. Urban political ecology: theoretical concepts, challenges, and suggested future directions. Erdkunde, 64(4), 343–354.
Zimmerer K. 2006. Cultural ecology: at the interface with political ecology – the new geographies of environmental conservation and globalization. Progress in Human Geography 30, 1 (2006) pp. 63–78
Zimmerer K. S. 2007 Agriculture, livelihoods, and globalization: The analysis of new trajectories (and avoidance of just-so stories) of human-environment change and conservation. Agriculture and Human Values 24, 1, 9-16
Zimmerer, K and Young, R. 1998.Nature’s geography. New lessons for conservation in developing countries Wisconsin, University of Wisconsin
Zimmerer, K. 1996. Ecology as Cornerstone and Chimera in Human Geography in Earle, C., Matthewson, k. and Kenzer, M (Eds.) Concepts in Human Geography Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield p161-184
Zimmerer, K. 2010. Retrospective on Nature-Society Geography: Tracing Trajectories (1911-2010) and Reflecting on Translations. Annals of the AAG 100(5): 1076-94.
Zimmerer, K. S. 2015. Methods and environmental science in political ecology. In: Perreault, T., Bridge, G., and McCarthy, J. 2015. The Routledge Handbook of Political Ecology. Oxon and N.Y., Routledge. Chap 11, 150-168.
Zimmerer, K.S. 1993 ‘Soil erosion and social (dis)courses in Cochabamba, Bolivia: Perceiving the nature of environmental degradation’ Economic Geography 69, 3: 312-327
Zimmerer, K.S. 1994 ‘Human Geography and the ‘new ecology’: The prospect and promise of integration’ Annals of the Association of American Geographers 84, 1: 108-125
Zimmerer, K.S. 2000 The reworking of conservation geographies: nonequilibrium landscapes and nature-society hybrids. Annals of the Association of American Geographers 90 2, pp. 356–369.
Zimmerer, K.S. and Bassett, T.J. 2003 Political Ecology. An integrative approach to geography and environment-development studies New York, Guildford Press.
Zimmerer, K.S., 2007. Cultural ecology (and political ecology) in the’environmental borderlands’: exploring the expanded connectivities within geography. Progress in Human Geography, 31(2), p.227.
Zimmerer, Karl S. 2000. The Reworking of Conservation Geographies: Nonequilibrium Landscapes and Nature-Society Hybrids. Annals of the Association of American Geographers 90 (2): 356–369.
Zoomers, A. 2010. Globalization and the foreignization of space: the seven processes driving the current global land grab. Journal of Peasant Studies 37(2), 429-447.
Zoomers, A. 2013. A critical review of the policy debate on large scale land acquisitions: fighting the symptoms or killing the hearts? In Evers J.T.M. Sandra, Seagle, C & Krijtenburg, F. 2013. Africa for sale? Positioning foreign large-scale land acquisitions in Africa. Leiden, Boston. ISBN 9789004251939
Zurba, M., Ross H., Izurieta A., Rist P., Bock E., Berkes F. 2012. Building Co-Management as a Process: Problem Solving Through Partnerships in Aboriginal Country, Australia. Environmental Management 49:1130–1142.
*Julian Bloomer is an Assistant Professor in Geography at Trinity College Dublin.
Thanks, great to see this list and very helpful. Also very nice to see one of my papers in this list. I am excited to read many of the papers I hadn’t read before. Thanks once again.
Aditi Mukherji
Reblogged this on Waterscapes and commented:
A great reading list on political ecology. I am hoping to read many of these papers in the coming few weeks.
Super helpful, thank you for taking your time and making research so much easier. 🙂